Danios are a popular aquarium fish that come in a variety of colors and patterns. They are known for being extremely lively and active in the tank. Like many fish, they are oviparous, meaning they lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. However, it can be challenging to tell if a female danio is carrying eggs because they don’t have a visible pregnancy like mammals do. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some signs to look out for that may indicate a female danio is carrying eggs.
Although danios are egg-laying species and do not carry their eggs internally, they can exhibit certain physical characteristics that may suggest pregnancy. In this article, we will explore the signs of pregnancy in danios and what you can do to care for them.
An egg carrying danio’s gravid spot will become bigger and darker as the pregnancy progresses. Her abdomen will also increase in size and look slightly darker towards the end of her pregnancy. In addition, her eating habits could change, and she may become aggressive towards other fish before birth.
Female danios lay their eggs externally in the substrate or on plants, where the males then fertilize them. The eggs typically hatch within a few days, depending on the water temperature.
Danio eggs typically hatch within 24 to 48 hours after they are laid. The exact time it takes for the eggs to hatch can depend on several factors, including the water temperature and the quality of the water. Higher water temperatures tend to result in faster hatching times, while poor water quality can delay or prevent hatching altogether.
Once the eggs have hatched, the fry will typically remain attached to the egg sac for another 24 to 48 hours, absorbing nutrients from the sac before they become free-swimming. At this point, the fry will need to be fed small amounts of food several times a day to ensure proper growth and development.
It’s important to note that danios are prolific breeders, and a single female can lay hundreds of eggs in a single spawning. This can quickly lead to overcrowding in the tank if the fry are not removed or the tank is not adequately maintained. If you plan to breed danios, it’s essential to have a plan in place to care for the fry and prevent overpopulation in the tank.
However, female danios can carry their eggs for several days before laying them, during which time the eggs continue to develop. This period is often referred to as the “gravid” period. The length of the gravid period for danios generally lasts between one and two weeks.
How Can You Tell If A Danio Is Carrying Eggs?
Belly size and shape.
One of the most obvious signs that a female danio is carrying eggs is a visibly enlarged belly. The belly of a pregnant danio will typically appear rounder and plumper, while a non-pregnant fish will have a slimmer, more streamlined shape. However, it’s worth noting that this sign may not always be reliable because some females may be naturally plump (sorry girls) or have bloated bellies due to other health conditions.
You may be able to see small, round eggs through the skin of the female danio’s belly if she is carrying a large number of eggs. These eggs will appear as small, white dots that are visible under bright light.
Changes in behaviour.
Another sign to look out for is changes in behavior. Female danios may become more territorial or aggressive during breeding season, as they compete with other females for the attention of males. They will also appear a lot more active than usual; yes, I know all danios are active anyway, but I am talking crazy active! They may also spend more time near the bottom of the tank, as they search for suitable spawning sites. Observing changes in behavior can be a good indicator that breeding is taking place, and eggs may be present.
Male behaviour.
Male danios play an essential role in breeding, and their behavior can also provide clues about whether a female is carrying eggs.
Male danios may display courtship behaviors towards egg-carrying female danios. They may chase the females around the tank, flare their fins, and make quick, darting movements in an attempt to attract the female’s attention.
If the female danio is receptive to the male’s advances, she may respond by displaying submissive behaviors such as quivering, positioning her body in a curved manner, or turning her body slightly sideways.
During the mating process, the male danio will typically chase the female around the tank and nudge her abdomen with his snout, stimulating the female to release her eggs. The male danio will then fertilize the eggs as they are released.
After the mating process is complete, the female danio may lay her eggs on plants or other surfaces in the aquarium. The male danios may continue to display courtship behaviors towards the female during this time, guarding the eggs and defending them from other fish in the tank.

The next indicator that your danio is pregnant is her eating habits. She will likely eat more food at first. Then, as her abdomen grows, there isn’t enough space for a lot of food, and she will start eating less.
What Should You Do If my Danio is Carrying Eggs?
If you observe that your female danio is carrying eggs or is in the “gravid” stage, there are several things you can do to help ensure the successful hatching and development of the eggs:
Provide suitable spawning sites:
Danios prefer to spawn on fine-leaved plants such as Java moss, as well as on spawning mops, or any other surface that has a lot of fine strands. These plants and materials provide an ideal surface for the danio eggs to attach to, as they can easily get entangled in the fine strands.
In addition to fine-leaved plants and spawning mops, danios will also spawn on other surfaces such as the bottom of the tank, the sides of the tank, or even the aquarium heater or filter. However, it is important to note that the eggs may be more vulnerable to predation or damage if they are not attached to a suitable surface.
To encourage successful spawning, you can provide your danios with plenty of plants or spawning mops in their aquarium. You can also provide a spawning slate or other smooth surface for the eggs to attach to. It’s important to ensure that the water quality and temperature are suitable for the danios, as these factors can also affect the success of the spawning process.
Separate the female:
If you want to increase the chances of the eggs hatching successfully, you can separate the female from the male and move her to a breeding tank or a separate section of the aquarium. This will prevent the male from eating the eggs and allow you to monitor the female’s behavior more closely. You also need to protect the eggs from the female danio as well.
Yes, danios can eat their own eggs. This is a common problem that many aquarists face when trying to breed danios in a home aquarium.
There are several reasons why danios may eat their eggs. One reason is that the eggs may not be fertilized or may be otherwise unhealthy, and the danios will consume them to prevent the spread of disease or to conserve resources.
Another reason is that the danios may simply not recognize the eggs as their own, or may be stressed or aggressive towards other fish in the tank, leading them to consume the eggs out of aggression or fear.
To minimize the chances of the danios eating their own eggs, it is important to provide them with a suitable spawning site and to ensure that they are in a calm and stress-free environment. Providing plenty of hiding places and plants in the aquarium can also help to reduce stress and aggression in the fish.
You can also consider removing the adult danios from the breeding tank after they have finished spawning, or removing the eggs and placing them in a separate breeding tank until they hatch. This can help to protect the eggs from being eaten by the adult fish.
Some isolation tanks have a separate compartment for the eggs, like this one. These tanks are ideal for danios, as the eggs have a safe space to mature where the mother and other fish can’t eat them.
Adjust water parameters:
The ideal water conditions for breeding danios can vary slightly depending on the species, but in general, danios prefer water that is slightly acidic to neutral pH, with a temperature between 72-78°F (22-26°C).
It is important to maintain stable water conditions in the breeding tank, as fluctuations in temperature or water chemistry can stress the fish and affect their breeding success. A good way to achieve stable water conditions is to perform regular water changes, testing the water parameters frequently and adjusting as needed.
Provide suitable food:
During the gravid period, it’s important to provide the female with a varied and nutritious diet to support the development of the eggs. Offer high-quality flake or pellet food, as well as live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms.
Monitor the eggs:
Once the eggs have been laid, monitor them closely to ensure they are developing properly. Remove any unfertilized or diseased eggs to prevent them from contaminating the water.

What To Do When Your Danio Lays Eggs.
Once the eggs have hatched, the fry will emerge and begin swimming around the aquarium. At this point, it’s important to take steps to ensure their survival and growth:
- Provide a suitable diet: Newly hatched danio fry are tiny and require small, frequent feedings. Offer them a varied diet of live or frozen foods such as baby brine shrimp, microworms, or liquid fry food.
- Keep the aquarium clean: As the fry are small and vulnerable, it’s important to maintain a clean and well-filtered aquarium to prevent the buildup of harmful toxins.
- Provide suitable hiding places: Danio fry are vulnerable to predation from other fish in the aquarium, so it’s important to provide them with suitable hiding places, such as plants or spawning mops.
- Monitor water parameters: Keep a close eye on the water parameters, such as temperature and pH, to ensure they remain stable and within suitable ranges for the fry.
- Gradually introduce solid food: As the fry grow and develop, gradually introduce them to solid foods such as finely crushed flakes or pellets.
It’s important to note that not all of your danio fry will survive, and breeding danios and challenging process. However, with proper care and attention, you can increase your chances of successfully raising healthy and thriving fry.
This short video gives sound advice about egg laying danios
Determining whether your danio is pregnant or not can be a bit tricky, but there are several signs to look out for. If you observe a swollen belly, enlarged ovaries, increased appetite, or behavioral changes, your fish may be pregnant. To care for a pregnant danio, you should provide a suitable environment, feed a nutritious diet, monitor water quality, and prepare for the arrival of fry. With proper care, your pregnant danio can successfully lay eggs and produce healthy offspring.
Further Articles about Danios:
Why has my danio stopped swimming?
Will different types of danio school together?
Is my danio bullying the other fish?