I recently compiled an A-Z list of tropical fish. There were 441 different fish in this list (you can have a look at it here).
This list is basically what is left from the 441 if you take out any fish that have the letter A in it.
Now, I am sure you are wondering why on earth I have done this (so was I, once I got started on it), but these little quizzes keep on popping up on social media, asking this very question!
I feel I have done my bit for society by sharing this with you. It has taken my ultimate list from 441 down to just 74. These 74 A-less fish could be an answer to a pesky crossword clue you are stuck on though. I aim to please!
Obviously, tetras, gouramis, catfish, rainbowfish, barbs, rasboras, danios, corydoras and angelfish being taken out have reduced it by loads.
So, may I present to you, a list of tropical fish without the letter A.
Tropical Fish without the Letter A.

- Blonde Guppy
- Blotched Mudskipper
- Blue Emperor
- Blue Tuxedo Guppy
- Boelke’s Penguin Fish
- Bowfish
- Bumblebee Goby
- Butterfly Cichlid
- Butterfly Goodeid
- Butterflyfish
- Climbing Perch
- Clown Killifish
- Clown Synodontis
- Common Brochis
- Common Pleco
- Congo Synodontis
- Convict Cichlid
- Discus
- Dogtooth Cichlid
- Down Poker
- Eyespot Krib
- Festive Cichlid
- Firemouth Cichlid
- Flowerhorn Cichlid
- Flying Fox
- Four-eyed Fish
- Fuelleborn’s Cichlid
- Golden Bumblebee Goodeid
- Golden Fuscoides
- Golden Nugget Pleco
- Golden Pencilfish
- Goldy Pleco
- Green Chromide
- Green Knifefish
- Green Molly
- Green Terror
- Gunther’s Nothobranch
- Guppy
- Hog-nosed Brochis
- Jewel Cichlid
- Keyhole Cichlid
- Lemon Cichlid
- Lesser Spiny Eel
- Livingstoni
- Mees’ Pimelodid
- Merry Widow
- Mono
- Moorii
- Mosquito Fish
- Peppermint Pleco
- Purple-striped Sleeper Goby
- Red Devil Cichlid
- Round-spotted Gibbiceps
- Rusty Cichlid
- Severum
- Silver Distichodus
- Silver Needlefish
- Silver Prochilodus
- Six-striped Distichodus
- Slender Hemiodus
- Spotted Goby
- Spotted Puffer
- Spotted Silver Molly
- Spotted Synodontis
- Steel-blue Killifish
- Striped Synodontis
- Violet Goby
- Western Mosquito Fish
- White Cloud Minnow
- White Discus
- Wild Guppy
- Wolf Fish
- Wolverine Pleco
- Yellow Krib
Now you are able to show off to your friends and family if ever asked this question!
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Fish that start with the letter A
Fish that start with the letter D