Did you know that there are over 30,000 different species of freshwater tropical fish that have been recognised? There are probably nearly as many that haven’t been officially named yet as well.
In this article, we will list over 400 different types of tropical fish (441 to be exact). Some of these you will have heard of, while some of them you may not. A few on the list have only been discovered in the past few years!
So, without further ado, let us present to you the ultimate A-Z of freshwater tropical fish!

Fish Starting with the Letter A.

- Adolfo’s Corydoras
- African Glass Catfish
- African Knifefish
- African Long-finned Characin
- African Lungfish
- African Red-eyed Characin
- African Spotted Catfish
- African Three Spot Barb
- Agassiz’s Corydoras
- Agassiz’s Dwarf Cichlid
- Ahli
- Albert’s Synodontis
- Albino Paradise Fish
- Amazon Molly
- American Flagfish
- Angelfish
- Ansorge’s Neolebias
- Arched Corydoras
- Archer Fish
- Armoured Catfish
- Arulius Barb
- Asian Bumblebee Catfish
- Australian Blue-eye
- Axelrod’s Rasbora
Related article: Fish starting with the letter A.
Fish Starting with the Letter B.

- Balloon Molly
- Banded Bushfish
- Banded Epiplatys
- Banded Mystus
- Banded Pearlfish
- Bandit Corydoras
- Banjo Catfish
- Bar-tailed Dwarf Cichlid
- Beacon Tetra
- Bearded Corydoras
- Bengal Danio
- Betta Fish
- Black Calico Swordtail
- Black Ghost Knifefish
- Black Hi-fin Pleco
- Black Neon Tetra
- Black Paradise Fish
- Black Phantom Tetra
- Black Platy
- Black Ruby Barb
- Black Sail Corydoras
- Black Spot Barb
- Black-banded Pyrrhulina
- Black-fin Shark Catfish
- Black-finned Pacu
- Bleeding Heart Tetra
- Bleher’s Rainbowfish
- Blind Cavefish
- Blonde Guppy
- Blotched Mudskipper
- Blue Acara
- Blue Coral Platy
- Blue Diamond Discus
- Blue Emperor
- Blue Limia
- Blue Panchax
- Blue Peacock Cichlid
- Blue Platy
- Blue Spotted Snakeskin Discus
- Blue Tetra
- Blue Tuxedo Guppy
- Blue Tuxedo Variatus Platy
- Blue-gold Peacock
- Boelke’s Penguin Fish
- Boeseman’s Rainbowfish
- Bokerman’s Cynolebias
- Bolivian Ram
- Boraras Brigittae Rasbora
- Borelli’s Dwarf Cichlid
- Bowfish
- Brazilian Freshwater Puffer
- Brilliant Rasbora
- Bronze Corydoras
- Brown Marble Sailfin Molly
- Buck-toothed Tetra
- Buenos Aires Tetra
- Bulldog Catfish
- Bumblebee Catfish
- Bumblebee Goby
- Bunagaya Goby
- Butterfly Catfish
- Butterfly Cichlid
- Butterfly Goodeid
- Butterfly Peacock
- Butterfly Peckoltia
- Butterflyfish
Related article: Fish starting with the letter B.
Fish Starting with the Letter C.

- Calico Variatus Platy
- Cardinal Tetra
- Celebes Rainbowfish
- Checkerboard Cichlid
- Checkered Barb
- Cherry Barb
- Chinese Paradise Fish
- Chocolate Frogmouth
- Chocolate Gourami
- Claret Betta
- Climbing Perch
- Clown Barb
- Clown Killifish
- Clown Loach
- Clown Rasbora
- Clown Synodontis
- Cobalt Blue Discus
- Coffee and Ink Platy
- Combtail
- Common Ancistrus
- Common Brochis
- Common Hatchetfish
- Common Nandus
- Common Pleco
- Congo Synodontis
- Congo Tetra
- Convict Cichlid
- Coolie Loach
- Cornflower Blue Delta Guppy
- Crested Dwarf Cichlid
- Croaking Gourami
- Crown Betta
- Cuming’s Barb
Fish Starting with the Letter D.

- Dalmatian Molly
- Danionella Cerebrum
- Day’s Green Panchax
- Day’s Paradise Fish
- Deep Angelfish
- Discus
- Dogtooth Cichlid
- Down Poker
- Dwarf Argentine Pearlfish
- Dwarf Croaking Gourami
- Dwarf Gourami
- Dwarf Loach
- Dwarf Pencilfish
- Dwarf Rainbowfish
Related article: Fish starting with the letter D.
Fish Starting with the Letter E.

- Eduard’s Mbuna
- Emerald Betta
- Emperor Tetra
- Endler’s Livebearer
- Entre Rios Pearlfish
- Etowah Bridled Darter
- Eyespot Krib
- Eyespot Rasbora
Fish Starting with the Letter F.

- Fairy Cichlid
- False Corydoras
- Featherfin Synodontis
- Fenestratus
- Festive Cichlid
- Fighting Gaucho
- Filament Tetra
- Firemouth Cichlid
- Five-banded Barb
- Flamingo Guppy
- Flowerhorn Cichlid
- Flying Fox
- Forktailed Blue Eye
- Four-eyed Fish
- Frontosa
- Fuelleborn’s Cichlid
Fish Starting with the Letter G.

- German Yellow Guppy
- Giant Brochis
- Giant Gourami
- Giant Gourami
- Giraffe Catfish
- Glass Bloodfin
- Glass Catfish
- Glowlight Rasbora
- Glowlight Tetra
- Gold Cobra Delta Guppy
- Gold Comet Platy
- Gold Marbled Veiltail Angelfish
- Golden Angelfish
- Golden Barb
- Golden Bumblebee Goodeid
- Golden Comet Swordtail
- Golden Dwarf Barb
- Golden Fuscoides
- Golden Lyretail Guppy
- Golden Marble Angelfish
- Golden Nugget Pleco
- Golden Pencilfish
- Golden Snakeskin Delta Guppy
- Golden Variatus Platy
- Golden-eyed Dwarf Cichlid
- Goldy Pleco
- Great Danio
- Greater Scissortail
- Green Chromide
- Green Knifefish
- Green Molly
- Green Panchax
- Green Royal Pleco
- Green Swordtail
- Green Terror
- Green Tiger Barb
- Green Variatus Platy
- Green Variegated Delta Guppy
- Gunther’s Nothobranch
- Guppy
Fish Starting with the Letter H.

- Hancock’s Catfish
- Hard-bellied Silver Dollar
- Hard-lipped Barb
- Harlequin Rasbora
- Harold Schultz’s Corydoras
- Hi-fin Golden Parrot Variatus Platy
- High-backed Headstander
- Hog-nosed Brochis
- Honey Gourami
- Horse-faced Loach
- Hujeta Pike Characin
- Humbug Catfish
- Humpbacked Limia
Related article: Fish starting with the letter H.
Fish Starting with the Letter I.

- Imperial Zebra Pleco
- Indian Chameleon Fish
- Indian Clown Catfish
- Indian Glassfish Indian Gourami
Fish Starting with the Letter J.

- Jack Dempsey Cichlid
- Japanese Medaka
- Java Combtail
- Jellybean Tetra
- Jewel Cichlid
- Juelin Gourami
Related article: Fish starting with the letter J.
Fish Starting with the Letter K.

- Kafue Pike Characoid
- Kerr’s Danio
- Keyhole Cichlid
- Kijimuna Goby
- King Tiger Peckoltia
- Kishi Liquorice Gourami
- Kissing Gourami
- Knife Liverbearer
- Koi Angelfish
- Korthaus’ Nothobranch
Fish Starting with the Letter L.

- Labidochromis Electric
- Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish
- Lake Tebera Rainbowfish
- Lavender Gourami
- Least Rasbora
- Lemon Cichlid
- Lemon Tetra
- Lemon-fin Barb
- Leopard Bushfish
- Leopard Danio
- Lesser Spiny Eel
- Licorice Dwarf Gourami
- Lifalili Cichlid
- Lined Citharoid
- Livingstoni
- Longfin Albino Oscar
- Longtail Pleco
- Lupingo Labidochromis
- Lyretail
- Lyre-tailed Black Balloon Molly
Fish Starting with the Letter M.

- Macmaster’s Dwarf Cichlid
- Malawi Blue Dolphin
- Malawi Eye-biter
- Malawi Golden Cichlid
- Malawi Mbunas
- Marbled Hatchetfish
- Marbled Lyretail Molly
- Marbled Molly
- Marmalade Molly
- Mees’ Pimelodid
- Merry Widow
- Metallic-top Minnow
- Metriaclima Gallireyae
- Mexican Molly
- Midas Cichlid
- Midnight Catfish
- Mono
- Montezuma Swordtail
- Moonlight Gourami
- Moorii
- Mosquito Fish
- Mother of Snails Catfish
- Mottled Catfish
- Mouse Botia
- Mumbai Blind Eel
- Myer’s Hatchetfish
Related article: Fish starting with the letter M.
Fish Starting with the Letter N.
- Neon Tetra
- New Guinea Rainbowfish
- Nijssen’s Dwarf Cichlid
Fish Starting with the Letter O.

- Ocellated Stingray
- One-striped African Tetra
- Orange Barb
- Orange Bushfish
- Orange Chromide
- Orange Discus
- Orange-finned Loach
- Orange-shouldered Peacock
- Orange-tipped Pleco
- Ornate Bagrid
- Ornate Fin-nipper
- Ornate Pimelodus
- Oscar
Fish Starting with the Letter P.

- Palmqvist’s Nothobranch
- Panda Corydoras
- Paradise Fish
- Parkinson’s Rainbowfish
- Peaceful Betta
- Peaceful Gourami
- Peacock Goby
- Peacock Gudgeon
- Peacock Rainbowfish
- Pearl Cichlid
- Pearl Danio
- Pearl Gourami
- Pearl of Likoma
- Pearly Rasbora
- Penang Mouth-brooding Betta
- Peppered Corydoras
- Peppermint Pleco
- Peruvian Tetra
- Peter’s Elephantnose
- Pictus Catfish
- Pike-top Livebearer
- Pineapple Swordtail
- Pink-tailed Characin
- Pintail Red Wag Platy
- Platy
- Polkadot Synodontis
- Port Hoplo Catfish
- Porthole Catfish
- Pretty Peckoltia
- Pretty Tetra
- Purple-striped Sleeper Goby
- Pygmy Catfish
- Pygmy Rasbora
Related article: Fish starting with the letter P.
Fish Starting with the Letter R.

- Rabaut’s Corydoras
- Rainbow Belly Pipefish
- Rainbow Cobweb Delta Guppy
- Rainbow Goodeid
- Ram Cichlid
- Red Aphyosemion
- Red Devil Cichlid
- Red Dog Characin
- Red Kadango
- Red Lyretail
- Red Phantom Tetra
- Red Tiger Oscar
- Red Varitail Guppy
- Red Wag Lyre Swordtail
- Red-bellied Piranha
- Red-finned Shark
- Red-finned Tetra
- Red-spotted Characin
- Red-spotted Leopard Discus
- Red-striped Barb
- RedTail Half-black Guppy
- Red-tailed Black Shark
- Red-tailed Catfish
- Red-tailed Goodeids
- Red-tailed Rasbora
- Regal Peacock
- Regan’s Julie
- Rhoades’s Cichlid
- Robina’s Corydoras
- Roloff’s Barb
- Roseline Torpedo Shark
- Rosy Barb
- Rosy Tetra
- Round-banded Barb
- Round-spotted Gibbiceps
- Royal Whiptail Catfish
- Rummy-nose Tetra
- Rusty Cichlid
Related article: Fish starting with the letter R.
Fish Starting with the Letter S.

- Sailfin Marbled Catfish
- Sailfin Tetra
- Salmo Baliki
- Salmon-red Rainbowfish
- Salt and Pepper Platy
- Scarlet Acanthicus
- Schomburgk’s Leaf Fish
- Schwartz’s Corydoras
- Scissor-tailed Rasbora
- Senegal Bichir
- Severum
- Sheephead Swordtail
- Siamese Fighting Fish
- Siamese Flying Fox
- Siamese Tiger
- Silver Angelfish
- Silver Arowana
- Silver Distichodus
- Silver Dollar
- Silver Needlefish
- Silver Prochilodus
- Silver Shark
- Silver-backed Tuxedo Guppy
- Silver-tipped Tetra
- Sinatus
- Six-barred Panchax
- Six-striped Distichodus
- Slender Betta
- Slender Hemiodus
- Slender Rasbora
- Slim Harlequin
- Slim Harlequin Rasbora
- Snail-eating Doradid
- Snakeskin Discus
- Snakeskin Gourami
- South African Mouth Brooder
- South American Leaf Fish
- Spanner Barb
- Speckled Sawfin Goodeid
- Spike-tailed Paradise Fish
- Splashing Characin
- Splendid Rainbowfish
- Spotline Aspidoras
- Spotted Danio
- Spotted Doradid
- Spotted Goby
- Spotted Headstander
- Spotted Puffer
- Spotted Shovel-nosed Catfish
- Spotted Silver Molly
- Spotted Synodontis
- Stappers’ Catfish
- Steel-blue Killifish
- Stick Catfish
- Striped Aphyosemion
- Striped Aphyosemion
- Striped Barb
- Striped Headtstander
- Striped Synodontis
- Sturgeon Catfish
- Sunset Hi-fin Platy
- Swordtail
- Swordtail Characin
Related article: Fish starting with the letter S.
Fish Starting with the Letter T.

- Teardrop Mosquito Fish
- Texas Cichlid
- Thick-lipped Gourami
- Threadfin Rainbowfish
- Three-lined Corydoras
- Three-spot Gourami
- Tiger Barb
- Tiger Scat
- Tinfoil Barb
- Trewavas’s Cichlid
- Tuxedo Multicoloured Delta Guppy
- Tuxedo Rainbow Delta Guppy
- Twin-banded Killifish
- Two Spot Barb
- Two Spot Catfish
- Two-spot Livebearer
- Two-spot Rasbora
Fish Starting with the Letter U.
- Ulrey’s Tetra
Fish Starting with the Letter V.
- Variegated Platy
- Venezuelan Stingray
- Vermiculated Syndodontis
- Violet Goby
Fish Starting with the Letter W.

- Walker’s Aphyosemion
- Watermelon Fish
- Western Mosquito Fish
- White Cloud Minnow
- White Discus
- Wild Guppy
- Wolf Fish
- Wolverine Pleco
- Wrestling Halfbeak
Fish Starting with the Letter X.
- X-ray Tetra
Fish Starting with the Letter Y.
- Yellow Krib
- Yellow Panda Discus
- Yellow Peacock
- Yellow Tetra
- Yellow-banded Moorii
- Yellow-banded Tetra
- Yellow-finned Xenotilapia
- Yucatan Molly
Fish Starting with the Letter Z.
- Zebra Danio
- Zebra Loach
- Zebra Malawi Cichlid
There you have it. A list of 441 different types of tropical freshwater fish, in alphabetical order, with some photos!
What more could you ask for?
If you want to keep updated with any new species of tropical fish that are being discovered, be sure to check out Shoal’s website. Shoal are heavily involved in the conservation of freshwater fish
Well, if you were wondering where on earth you could find a list of tropical fish without the letter A, then you can find that article RIGHT HERE!